Desert Dash is constantly changing & we want to keep you up to date on what's going on! (This is in addition to the Desert Dash Event info here)
We had always planned on having a Saturday night catered dinner- I'm thinking tacos!- and have now added Chili Dogs for Lunch Saturday, sponsored by Bruce Hofbauer of State Farm! *Dinner tickets need to be purchased ahead of time but lunch will be first-come-first-served. (Lunch is included in case that wasn't clear- donations always accepted of course! :) )
Dusty Phares, the highly talented Motorcross rider who has been grooming the property into dirtbike paradise, will also be doing a lunchtime demonstration. He is keeping the details close to the vest but it promises to be insane to watch!
There will be some trails we'll have people leading (these will have sign up sheets at the registration table onsite with specific takeoff times Saturday morning). There will be a beginner, intermediate, and advanced trail. **AM trails are "guide-only" but there will be plenty of time to explore them yourselves in the afternoon!
In the afternoon there will be competitions as well! How well do you know where your tires are? How well can your spotter spot you? And more!
Any more questions? Let us know! Chat here, email us- info@droptopoffroad.com, catch us on Insta... however you want to chat, you know where to find us!
Oh yeah- and in case you can't tell, we're kinda excited you're here- and coming to Desert Dash! :)
See you in the dirt, as they say!